Rhino Workshop: Daylight Simulation and Optimisation

November 9–11, 202009:00 – 16:00 GMTOnline course hosted by McNeel Europe Join Adrian Krezlik, PhD candidate at the Center for Studies in Architecture and Ubranism, University of Porto, and Rafael Campamà Pizarro, PhD candidate in the field of Energy and Building Design at the Architecture and Built Environment department of Lund University for a 3-day … Read more

Try the V-Ray 5 for Rhino Beta

V-Ray 5

With the V-Ray 5 for Rhino beta, you can be among the first to experience real-time visualisations in Rhino and Grasshopper, automatically generated lighting setups, built-in compositing features — and much more. Join the beta and share your feedback in the dedicated forum!

KeyShot 10 Avatar Competition

KeyShot 10

KeyShot 10 is on the horizon and Luxion are looking to the talented 3D community to create the next KeyShot avatar. The winning design will receive KeyShot 10 Pro and play an integral role in the release and throughout the life of KeyShot 10 as the main hero image! Brief:Design and render a unique avatar … Read more

What is the V-Ray Collection?

The V-Ray collection

The V-Ray Collection is a bundle that gives you instant access to 15 Chaos Group products – all under one low cost licence. With total creative freedom, you can work freely between different applications to achieve photo-realistic rendering, fluid simulation and real-time scene exploration. Move between multiple 3D applications and easily share content with others. … Read more

Meet the Orca3D for Rhino Team

Visit the Orca3D virtual booth at IBEX or the SNAME Maritime Convention to learn more about Orca3D and how it can streamline your design process and improve your designs. Orca3D for RhinoMarine specific functionality in Rhino for hull design, stability, speed/power, and weight tracking. Orca3D adds marine design and analysis features to Rhino, including: Computational … Read more

SketchUp 3D Basecamp

SketchUp Basecamp

Sit by the (online) campfire and enjoy exclusive interviews, tutorials, and interactive conversations with SketchUp experts! The first two parts are available to watch on demand by following the link below. As for what’s coming throughout October: Please note, all times are in MST (BST -7 hrs / GMT -6 hrs) Episode 3: SketchUp for … Read more

Save 30% on KeyShotWeb with a new KeyShot Pro Licence

What is KeyShotWeb? KeyShotWeb is an add-on to KeyShot that helps you create interactive, web-ready content directly from KeyShot. You can load a model, configure design variations, and deliver the final product across a variety of platforms. Receive 30% OFF a KeyShotWeb licence, when purchased together with a new licence of KeyShot Pro! The offer … Read more

Orca3D – Hydrostatic Mesh Display & Adjustment

In this latest release of Orca3D, Marine Design for Rhino, users can now display and adjust the mesh used in a hydrostatics calculation. The Hydrostatics form now includes an “Adjust Meshes” button that behaves similarly to that found in the CFD Options form. Users can highlight mesh faces as a threshold on an aspect ratio … Read more

Rhino 6 Users – Try the Rhino 7 WIP!

As an owner of a Rhino 6 licence, you have exclusive access to try the Rhino 7 WIP (Work in Progress) build. Try, test, and provide feedback on the release while it is still in development, all while getting hands-on experience with the latest tools in advance of release. Download the Rhino 7 WIP for … Read more