25% OFF Vectorworks, and Free Service Select!

Vectorworks 25% Offer

Are you looking to get started with Vectorworks, or are an experienced user looking for an upgrade? Now is the best time of the year to make the move! Offer expires 5:30 p.m. BST on 15th September 2020Save on Vectorworks What’s the Offer? If you are New to Vectorworks: Purchase a new licence of Vectorworks … Read more

A New Year with SketchUp Pro

SketchUp Pro 2018

Skill Builder – Animating a Section Slice Learn how to animate a slice through your model by following along with this tutorial on the official SketchUp YouTube channel. Watch the video >   Watch SketchUp Modeling – Live! Cast your vote now to help decide what object will be modeled live on Twitch in a … Read more

Christmas Deals 2018

Christmas Deals

As another year full of new releases, improved workflows and big projects draws to a close, we’re wrapping things up with discounts across a whole range of 3D modeling and rendering software. CAD & 3D Christmas Offers Thank you to all our customers and partners that have continued to support us this year. All of … Read more

Upcoming Vectorworks Events 2018

Vectorworks 2019

Get the most out of Vectorworks by registering for and attending these events coming up this year: 16th-18th September Plasa London http://plasashow.com/ Great for: Vectorworks Spotlight PLASA Show is the flagship international event for the entertainment technology industry which welcomes hundreds of exhibitors and thousands of visitors each year.   16th-19th September Decorex https://www.decorex.com Great … Read more