Grasshopper Components for Hydrostatics in Orca3D

Orca3D now includes Grasshopper components for automating Orca3D’s hydrostatics and stability calculations!

This update, Version 2.0.22, is free to Version 2 users and is available for download now. Details of other improvements in this release can be found here.

If you aren’t familiar with Grasshopper, it is a graphical scripting editor that is included with Rhino, and it does not require any knowledge of programming or scripting.

“I worked with the Orca3D Grasshopper components on a tugboat stability project. It has been amazing…I was very impressed with the calculations and the speed – everything computes so quickly! I used the components to iterate through different hull modifications while trying to achieve certain characteristics, which were output almost instantaneously.”

John Kreuter, West Sound Maritime

These new Grasshopper components are a Work-in-Progress (WIP), and their use is documented in the Orca3D Help file.

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