Altair HPC Summit 2021

May 11-12, 2021 | Virtual Global Event

Enjoy some exciting presentations during this Altair event, from Aston Martin, NCAR, NIAR, and other keynotes from the Sponsors, Intel, Oracle, and Microsoft.

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Are You Ready for Multi-dimensional HPC?
At this year’s Altair’s HPC Summit, experts managing and leveraging some of the world’s leading HPC systems will share how they’re accounting for all new dimensions like hybrid and cloud resources, GPUs, software and I/O performance, and how their teams are tapping new trends in machine learning and artificial intelligence to optimise for both time and cost to solution.

Driving the Future of HPC Convergence
While software, data, and HPC solutions are converging on infrastructures across the globe, in many ways the workloads teams are tasked with supporting are more specialized than ever – requiring different tools, different throughput demands, and various levels of end-user expertise.

Presentations will highlight the product or solution innovations made possible by HPC, lifting the hood to share what’s unique or challenging about their workloads, tools, and infrastructure.

Join for sessions and live Q/A on:

  • I/O profiling
  • Cloud and Hybrid Cloud?
  • License Management and Optimization
  • Converged HPC Job Scheduling
  • Machine Learning and AI?
  • Life Sciences
  • Semiconductor Design Optimization

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