V-Ray Next for Maya – Update 1 – Available Now

V-Ray Next for Maya has been updated with great features and a number of important fixes to improve your rendering experience, including:

  • Support for Maya 2019
  • New memory tracking, with memory usage reports so you can optimise your scene
  • Cryptomatte support for VRayProxy sub-objects
  • Faster time to first pixel for quicker render startup
  • ALSurface support on GPU
  • Improved light sampling on scenes with thousands of lights

V-Ray Next for Maya is available now at CAD Software Direct as a perpetual, monthly or annual license.

Read on below for the full changelog.


Changelog – New Features


  • Improved light sampling on scenes with thousands of lights
  • Added memory tracking options to V-Ray Render Settings
  • Added peak memory consumption in EXR metadata
  • Added an option for consistent render elements for better compositing. Enabled by default on new scenes
  • Faster translation of mesh geometry
  • Added AppSDK with Python binding to installation
  • Added Lighting Analysis Render Element
  • Added efficient instancing for hair with “dynamic hair tessellation” and “stored in global hair tree” disabled
  • Added matte backfaces output to the surfaceLuminance mode
  • Added inverse exposure texture shader for compensating changes in physical camera
  • Command line interface tool for selecting rendering devices
  • Added an option to automatically exit vray -server if idle after a specified amount of time


  • Cryptomatte support for V-Ray Proxy sub-objects

V-Ray GPU/VRayAISurface

  • AlSurface support on GPU

Chaos Cloud

  • Cloud window allowing direct submit from Maya


  • Added new light select indirect modes


  • Resumable rendering with GPU bucket sampler
  • VRayCurvature support on GPU
  • Support of Glossy Fresnel feature on GPU
  • Added support for CUDA-CPU rendering to the GLSL and MDL plugins
  • Added subpixel mapping checkbox for GPU bucket rendering
  • Support for multiple map channels for TexBitmaps in MtlGLSL
  • Support for the frame offset of the Maya file node when an image sequence is used


  • Cryptomatte support for all deep merge modes


  • Ability to apply lens effects in vdenoise


  • Added a random “Seed” and “Loop Textures” parameters to MultiSubTex


  • Added the anisotropy axis and anisotropy derivation controls to the VRayMtl


  • Added the color mode option to the VRaySun


  • Added support for VRayToon in glossy refractions


  • Added “Color Mode” dropdown in the VRayFastSSS2 material

VRayMtl/V-Ray GPU

  • Self Illumination GI for VRayMtl now visible in GPU-dependent UI


  • Added support for spline interpolation in VRayToonMtl ramps


  • VRayTriplanar/Viewport 2.0 Triplanar texture projections support for viewport 2.0
  • VRayOSLMtl/VRayMDLMtl Material select support for MDL and OSL


  • Faster updates in IPR when moving heavy geometry


Modified Features


  • Optimized proxy visibility list controls for better proxy node performance in Maya
  • The VRayMeshPreview node will be created during the vrayCreateProxy command, not on an idle callback, making scripting easier
  • Removed unnecessary file reads when loading scene
  • Shader names list generation no longer happens on idle and is now more script-friendly
  • Removed the deprecated “use Maya shader” option from the VRayMesh node
  • Fixed slowdown and many warnings printed when instancing a VRayMesh with missing filename
  • XML material assignment override will now appear in the filepath editor
  • The vrayCreateProxy command will now return a string with the newly created node
  • The Maya Archive cmd will now take into account .vrmesh assets


  • Cryptomatte data channels will not be visible in the VFB, only the preview channel


  • Fixed AlSurface GI contribution going into the SSS channel
  • The global SSS toggle will now affect AlSurface

Chaos Cloud

  • Pre/Post Render MEL scripts are now executed when exporting for Cloud


  • Faster time to first pixel with V-Ray Fur
  • Changed the default frame number separator char to . in PTex baker
  • Automatic conversion from Color to AColor when using -parameterOverride in V-Ray Standalone
  • Added extra attribute for controlling 3dProjection’s number of motion blur samples
  • More informative error messages for image file errors
  • In DR, automatically delete cache_info_portNum.txt on render end if VRAY_LOCAL_CACHE_LIMIT_VALUE=0
  • Fixed inconsistencies with the merge by z-depth mode of deep rendering
  • Temp files are now created with read/write permissions for all users
  • Fixed VRayPlaceEnvTex Ground Projection not respecting Up Vector
  • The Up Vector default value now respects Maya Preferences
  • No longer force-switching to progressive sampler when changing the production engine to GPU CUDA
  • Faster export of user attributes


  • Fixed Softbox not having a swatch preview


  • MultiSubTex indexing will start from 1 for new scenes, making randomization work correctly


  • Save current channel from VFB no longer appends the channel name to the user-defined file name


  • Fixed some VRayMtl attributes not being listed in the channel box

V-Ray GPU/VRayEdgesTex

  • Show the “Show subtriangles” option in VRayEdges texture on GPU


  • Dome lights will contribute to ZDepthRE


  • More responsive IPR for heavy scenes


Bug fixes


  • Fixed crash when stopping IPR while compiling geometry
  • Fixed crashes when switching the viewport subdivisions ON/OFF while rendering
  • Fixed a crash and wrong subdivision of geometry in specific cases
  • Fixed changed material on instanced object not reflected in IPR
  • Fixed a crash with IPR if rounded edges attribute is added to a mesh-clipper
  • Fixed changing the “Use Image Sequence” parameter in IPR crashing Maya
  • Fixed slowdown with viewport IPR caused by an animation rig
  • Fixed flickering in IPR
  • Fixed unhandled exception in IPR when VRayPlane is shaded with direct VRayLightMtl


  • Fixed incorrect render of ALSurface if lighting render element is enabled


  • Fixed Streak particles having wrong transformation
  • Maya on remote desktop crashes on loading specific file
  • Fixed last user attribute not exported correctly in some cases
  • Maya drag’n’drop: added a special case for Windows file share paths
  • Fixed V-Ray not saving output image when data region is empty
  • Fixed wrong export of referenced render elements in batch
  • Fixed fatal error in some cases when starting DR if the host is not found
  • Fixed V-Ray printing an incorrect success message for writing output image with a missing asset in DR
  • Fixed noisy reflections with V-Ray Next for objects with cast shadows on, but visible in reflections/refractions off
  • Fixed refractive objects rendering darker with photon caustics from a dome light
  • Set a min limit of 1.0 to the AA Filter size
  • Fixed incorrect reporting of primitives with embree hair
  • Fixed crash when enabling/disabling reference scenes while running IPR
  • Fixed OSL crashes on post-Haswell processors
  • Fixed EXR files loaded in the VFB not having their integer REs displayed
  • Fixed slowdown on many-core machines with light linking
  • Fixed flickering of distant light sources with the adaptive lights and many light sources
  • Fixed slower adaptive lights with V-Ray Next compared to V-Ray 3.6
  • Fixed incorrect full light select element with VRayFastSSS2
  • Fixed -velocityAttrName parameter of ply2vrmesh not working for Alembic input files
  • Fixed resuming a bucket render resetting the progress to zero
  • Fixed artifacts with matte (matte for refl/refr = off) and adaptive dome light
  • Fixed super bright lens effects when using the NVidia AI denoiser
  • Fixed crash when enabling Bloom/Glare in the VFB while A/B compare is also enabled
  • Fixed bucket artifacts with adaptive lights
  • Fixed error with AI denoiser “Optix does not support cross-frame denoising”
  • Fixed DR may have watermarks if licenses are unstable
  • Fixed transparent objects with “cast shadows”=off rendering black when there is a VRayDomeLight behind them
  • Fixed “Direct visualization” option for caustics not working
  • Fixed aborting render after the last bucket skips saving img_file, keeping unfinished resume file


  • SamplerInfo Fixed Sampler Info relative coordinate system not working correctly


  • Fixed crash when baking textures with GPU
  • Fixed wrong rendering of rounded edges in Next GPU
  • Fixed wrong Cryptomatte in animation with V-Ray GPU
  • Fixed Volume Grid crashes with VRayFastSSS2 on GPU
  • Fixed missing secondary reflections on CUDA CPU with Stochastic flakes
  • Fixed VRayClipper not working correctly with disabled clip lights geometry and dome light
  • Fixed buckets different in sampling (noise level) with bucket sampling enabled
  • Fixed unhandled exception loop on specific scene when rendering with IPR and turning off lights
  • Fixed wrong worldNormals RE for SSS material hits in V-Ray GPU
  • Fixed a crash when a V-Ray Fast SSS2 material is used inside a V-Ray Override material
  • Fixed wrong normals of VRayLight Plane in V-Ray GPU normals render element
  • Fixed hybrid rendering failing with AI denoiser
  • Fixed Environment ZDepth color not matching V-Ray CPU
  • Fixed crash on render end
  • Fixed DiffuseFilter render element for FastSSS2 rendered incorrectly with V-Ray GPU
  • Fixed crash with XGen


  • Fixed Light select not respecting alpha of a textured light when the texture is constant


  • Fixed crashes in proxy export of multiple meshes caused by missing UVs
  • Fixed crash when loading huge alembic file with many color sets
  • Fixed a crash when importing alembic with degenerate faces
  • Fixed XML material assignment file not getting transferred in DR
  • Fixed crash when opening a scene with alembic layers
  • Fixed preview bugs with multiple proxies with different settings pointing to the same file


  • Fixed error when using Resumable rendering with Adaptive Dome light


  • Fixed compositing with BlendMtl not matching Beauty

Viewport IPR

  • Fixed slowdown when Hypershade is opened
  • Fixed slowdown when the “Selection Mode” is set to “Box”


  • Fixed artifacts with LightMesh and LightMtl with EnvironmentFog


  • Fixed Lens effects settings not resetting on a new scene


  • Fixed crash when V-Ray accesses UV-coordinates from an imported .vscene


V-Ray Next for Maya is available now at CAD Software Direct as a perpetual, monthly or annual license.

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