Online Course: Generative Design Workshop Using Wallacei

Generative Design Workshop Using Wallacei
Online course hosted by McNeel Europe
6-8 July, 2020

Contact McNeel Europe to Sign Up

McNeel Europe presents a 3-day webinar with Mohammed Makki and Milad Showkatbakhsh, co-founders of Wallacei.

Wallacei is an evolutionary engine to run simulations through genetic algorithms for solving multi objective optimisation problems. Wallacei incorporates highly detailed analytic tools coupled with various comprehensive selection methods, including unsupervised machine learning algorithms, to assist users and make more informed decisions at all stages of their generative design processes.

In the 3-day online course, learn the detailed features and functions of the Wallacei platform through a hands-on approach, gaining a thorough understanding of the methodologies associated with the applications of evolutionary concepts in design. The workshop will teach participants Wallacei through the design of an architectural tower, focusing on two primary scales that address both tower morphology as well as tower façade.

Day 1: Fundamentals

  • Theory behind the application of Evolutionary Principles in Design and Problem Solving:
    • Significance of the biological evolutionary processes in nature.
    • Translation of biological evolutionary processes within computation.
  • Genetic Algorithms: case studies in design.
  • Generative Design with Wallacei features and contributions.
  • Running Wallacei: Environment, Goals, Objectives, and Gene pools.

Day 2: Wallacei Generative Design Workflow

  • Setting up the generative design workflow, environments, and frameworks in order to set up a meaningful tower optimisation problem.
  • Understanding the Wallacei.X user interface and reading the simulation’s results:
    • Wallacei Settings: population, parameters, search space and dynamic charts.
    • Wallacei Analytics: standard deviation, diamond chart, and fitness values.
    • Wallacei Selection: parallel coordinate, selecting solutions, Pareto front, and phenotypes.
    • The Wallacei.X Component Output: genomes, phenotypes, and data.
  • Selecting Solutions for starting the second simulation

Day 3: Selection Strategies

  • Setting up the workflow and design problem for the second simulation
  • Running the genetic algorithm, analysing the results and extracting solutions
  • Visualisation and presentation strategies of the final solution set

Course Requirements: Basic knowledge using Rhino and Grasshopper.

Online Course Fee: 397.50€ (+VAT)
Full-time students and university teachers (proof of status required) will get a 50% discount. Please note your seat is only confirmed once payment has been cleared.

Max. Number of Participants: 25. If there is no quorum, the course will be cancelled 15 days prior to the start date of the workshop.

Language: English.

Educational seats are limited.
Sign up now by contacting McNeel Europe!

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