Eco-Home Competition Free Supporting Webinar

If you haven’t already seen, we’re running a Vectorworks competition, in collaboration with VectorworksUK, to build your own Eco-Home and be in with the chance of winning some great prizes! (Full details)

If you’re looking for some direction, want some inspiration, or just feel like improving your Vectorworks skills, be sure to sign up for this free webinar, hosted in conjunction with the Eco-Home competition!

Wednesday 17th June – 11am BST

Sign Up Here

Attendees will:

  • Discover the benefits of integrating energy performance evaluation into architectural design workflows.
  • Explore how a building’s form and shape affect its energy performance.
  • Learn how various shading percentages and different types of shading can guide your design decision based on expected building performance.
  • Evaluate energy performance changes based on building elements, boundary conditions, and U-values.

By learning how to assess the energy performance of a building very early on in an integrated design process, architects have the power to make informed design decisions, as well as the ability to back those decisions up.

Sign Up For The Webinar Today

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