Big Offers from Vectorworks (Free VSS!)

Now is a great time to buy or upgrade Vectorworks. We’ve got some amazing offers that you should definitely take a look at whether you’re new to Vectorworks, or even a current VSS subscriber.

1 Year Free VSS for New Customers*

From August 1st to September 11th 2018, new customers buying new Vectorworks licenses will get 1 year VSS for free. Free VSS through this offer will renew on 1st September 2019. As if you need convincing when it’s free, you can still read our post Why Should I Have Vectorworks VSS.

50% Module Discounts

As an added bonus, new customers will find the cost of adding a module is discounted by a very generous 50%. Modules included are Architect, Landmark and Spotlight.

What about Existing Customers?

If you’re still using Vectorworks 2015, there won’t be a better time to upgrade to the latest version. Once Vectorworks 2019 is released, you’ll no longer be able to upgrade from 2015, as only the three most recent versions are supported (you’ll need to buy a brand new license for the latest version). Upgrade now to get free VSS and, if you’re using Fundamentals, a 50% discount on modules. Remember, you’ve only got until September 11th 2018.

Existing customers who do not currently have VSS will also get a free year of VSS if upgrading between August 1st and September 11th.

Free for Existing Fundamentals with VSS Customers

If you are a Vectorworks Fundamentals user with an active VSS contract, you will be given the opportunity to add a module to your existing license free of charge when 2019 arrives!

If you choose to add a free module to your license, your VSS renewal date will change to reflect the additional module.


* New customers are people who are new to Vectorworks, or have used it in the past but have since moved to other software or have licenses that cannot be upgraded.

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