Webinar: V-Ray 3.6 for Rhino

Join this webinar and discover how V-Ray 3.6 for Rhino can supercharge your workflows. CG Specialist Yavor Stoikov will guide you through the latest V-Ray tech, and demonstrate how you can use it to create photorealistic imagery quickly and easily.

Topics he’ll cover include:

  • GPU & Hybrid Rendering
    V-Ray GPU running on NVIDIA CUDA can now take full advantage of all available hardware, including both GPUs and CPUs.
  • Adaptive Lights
    In scenes with many lights, the new Adaptive Lights mode can help you speed up render times by up to 7x.
  • Light instances
    Lights can now be instanced and controlled as a single light in the Asset Editor.
  • Animation
    V-Ray 3.6 for Rhino introduces a new simplified workflow for rendering light studies, turntables and fly-through animation.
  • V-Ray for Grasshopper
    V-Ray for Grasshopper is now quicker and simpler with new preset lighting and material setups. Grasshopper objects can be rendered directly as part of the Rhino scene without baking geometry.
  • Denoiser Improvements
    The V-Ray Denoiser is now easier to set up and you can refine settings even after you render.
  • VRscans support
    Now compatible with real-world scanned materials from VRscans. Access over 650 photorealistic, captured with our accurate scanning technology.

And more!

Register Now!

Tuesday 13th February
6AM, 9AM and 6PM

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