Vectorworks Service Pack 3 Released

Vectorworks 2019 has just been updated with the release of SP3. As well as some exciting new features which include Cloud presentations and MVR workflows, there are also a number of fixes including some for customers using OS X Mojave. To install, select “Check for Updates” from the Vectorworks menu (Mac) or Help menu (Windows).

Immerse Clients in Your Design with Linked Panoramas

With SP3, the Cloud presentation feature allows designers with an active Vectorworks Service Select membership to use Vectorworks Cloud Services to generate presentations of designs with an intuitive drag-and-drop interface. Presentations include interactive 360 rendered panoramas that can be linked together to create a holistic, immersive experience.


Discover a Better Way to Work

With the support of the General Device Type Format (GDTF) co-founders, MA Lighting and Robe lighting, Vectorworks have created a file format called My Virtual Rig (MVR). The MVR file format creates a two-way connection between planning, previz, and console systems that implement the support needed for a seamless workflow.

With SP3, Vectorworks have implemented import and export of MVR in Vectorworks Spotlight 2019 and import of MVR into Vision 2019. Now, entertainment designers can create a more efficient and connected workflow between design planning and previz, merging the iterative changes of the model between Spotlight and Vision without re-importing and redefining the performance cues each time.


Experience the Power of Real-time Rendering with Lumion LiveSync

Designers will enjoy a new live-sync rendering connection that allows them to perform real-time rendering while making design changes within Vectorworks. The LiveSync plug-in is developed by Lumion and is the first partner plug-in to use a new Vectorworks Graphics Sync (VGS) API.

Lumion and the LiveSync plug-in are available on the PC, and the plug-in is available immediately for English language users on the Lumion website. Additional language options will be offered soon.


Enjoy Additional Quality and Performance Improvements

SP3 also contains performance improvements, including several fixes to compatibility with macOS Mojave and significant redraw speed enhancements with Space Objects.

This Service Pack is available as a downloadable updater for all English-based versions of Vectorworks 2019. To install, select “Check for Updates” from the Vectorworks menu (Mac) or Help menu (Windows).

Vectorworks 2019 is available now at CAD Software Direct .com

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