KeyShot 9.1 has been released, and this update continues Luxion’s core focus on flexibility and creative freedom by improving workflow speed, material control, and render output.
KeyShot 9.1 builds on previously introduced features, such as real-time GPU ray tracing, AI denoise, and RealClothTM technology and adds:
- Unwrap UV to aid in the position and application of textures and labels
- Name Templates to improve the filename options for render output workflow
- Network Rendering with GPU support to scale up the rendering power to make use of all available networked graphics cards.

Unwrap UV enables KeyShot users to generate UV maps which allow textures or labels to be accurately wrapped on an object’s surface. Users can get a quick preview using Quick Unwrap, or define more complex positioning using the Advanced Unwrap tool.
Name Templates gives users control over file names of outputs by automatically generating custom file names for the scene, with custom naming options that include the Revision, Scene Name, Active Camera, Current Date, and more.
Network Rendering now supports the option to use all available networked GPUs to increase rendering speed. The updated KeyShot 9.1 Network Monitor shows the type of rendering nodes available on the network.
KeyShot 9.1 is available immediately to all current KeyShot 9 users.
If you would like to find out more about KeyShot, give us a call on 01206 804984 or email us on