KeyShot 10 is on the horizon and Luxion are looking to the talented 3D community to create the next KeyShot avatar. The winning design will receive KeyShot 10 Pro and play an integral role in the release and throughout the life of KeyShot 10 as the main hero image!

Design and render a unique avatar for KeyShot 10. KeyShot is all about speed and accuracy that generates high quality renders. The winning avatar should embody these traits but also convey innovation and clever design. See previous KeyShot avatars above for reference.
Entry requirements:
- Create an eye-catching avatar for KeyShot 10
- 3D model must be your own creation
- Any 3D modeling software may be used
- Rendering must be done in KeyShot (any version)
- Multiple entries are acceptable
- The competition is open to everyone
- Submit your entry in the KeyShot 10 Avatar Contest forum
- 3D Model Output: Native or Neutral Format
- KeyShot Output: .ksp
- Render Resolution: 16:9 ratio (at or above 1920×1080) and/or 1:1 (1080×1080)
- Filetype: .jpg, .png, .mp4, .avi, .html
Additional Notes:
With your submission, make sure you explain what work went into your rendering or animation! Say what modeling software or other tools are used, your inspiration, and thought behind it.
Luxion retains the right to use any model or visual submitted for purposes of promotion and marketing. All rights to the model and visuals belong to the creator and attribution will be given when used. Models and resources (textures, environments, materials, etc.) must be able to be shared. Additional requests for use of render or animation files may be requested of the user via email.
Judging Criteria:
The entries will be judged on three criteria:
- Features – How are KeyShot features used/demonstrated?
- Communication – Does it communicate speed, accuracy, quality?
- Creativity – How does it capture interest and attention?
1x Grand Prize – KeyShot 10 Pro (total value $1,995 / approx. £1,544)
2x Runner-Up Prize – KeyShot HD (total value $995 / approx. £770)
Good luck!