A Change to the Way You Buy SketchUp

If you own a SketchUp Pro Classic Licence, you should know that SketchUp are changing how they offer their software after November 4th 2020.

This is the last opportunity to renew maintenance.

As of 4th November 2020, we will no longer be able to sell maintenance and support. SketchUp will only offer the named user SketchUp annual subscription from this date – so new classic licenses and maintenance extensions will no longer be sold. Therefore, this is the last month in which you can purchase maintenance!

Do You Have SketchUp with Expired Maintenance?

This is the last month that you can reinstate an expired contact, upgrade to the latest version and get current, supported software. After Nov 4th, you will have to purchase new named user annual subscriptions (or migrate your network license) if you want to upgrade. There will be no upgrade path for a classic network license. This really is the last chance!

Do You Have SketchUp with Active Maintenance?

Network maintenance can be extended as far as Nov 3rd 2021.
This is the last month in which you can actually purchase additional months of maintenance to extend them up to that date.

For example:
A customer with maintenance expiring April 2nd 2021, can purchase 7 x additional months to take them to November 2nd 2021.

Customers with active contracts are covered for all upgrades/updates for new releases as well as tech support if required.

If you have any questions about the changes coming to SketchUp, don’t hesitate to contact us!

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