There were a large number of entries from around the world, with the greatest number of submissions coming from Germany, U.S., Belgium, Switzerland, and Italy. All valid entries were evaluated by a jury and a panel of judges, and a “Fan Favorite” was chosen by public vote. The winner in each category will receive a $2,500 USD Visa gift card.
“This competition shows the impressive results users can achieve in rendering Vectorworks models within Renderworks and/or CINEMA 4D,” explains Dave Donley, Rendering Manager at Nemetschek Vectorworks, Inc. “We are continuing to work on technologies which further strengthen this partnership.”
“We are extremely pleased with the results of this competition,” says Friederike Bruckert, Director of International Sales at MAXON Computer GmbH. “The winners invested a great deal of passion and energy into their entries, which serve as an inspiration to aspiring and seasoned designers.”
The winners are:
CINEMA 4D Animation Winner: “Modern uboot-kitchen” by Sina Grage. Grage was a student in northern Germany at the University Muthesius Kunsthochschule Kiel, and she now works for Feuerpfeil Design GmbH in Hamburg.
CINEMA 4D Rendering Winner: “Dinner @ Panorama Tower” by Lmcad Estudios de Animación.

Vectorworks Renderworks® Winner: “Soundstone – house of music – Render for a Master thesis” by Nicolai von Stromberg.

Fan Favorite Winner: “Floating Olympic Village”