VisualARQ 2.4 Available for Download

VisualARQ 2.4 is available to download now.

This free service release includes some new features and fixes most of the issues reported by users:

  • New components in Grasshopper to create 2D Section views.
  • VisualARQ Script API: RhinoCommon compatible SDK to create, query and edit VisualARQ objects in the document.
  • Added Parameter Grasshopper Component to select document parameters.

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Read on for the complete list of what’s new in this update:

New features

  • VisualARQ Script API: RhinoCommon compatible SDK to create, query and edit VisualARQ objects in the document. Currently only about 30% functionality is exposed in the API.
  • Added Create Section View Grasshopper Component.
  • Added Section Options Grasshopper Components.
  • Added Parameter Grasshopper Component to select document parameters.
  • Added depth parameter in Create Section Grasshopper Component.
  • TAB key works with VisualARQ control points to lock direction.


  • Rhino 6 SR11 is now required.
  • Unattended VisualARQ installation can set license mode to “Network”.
  • Removed all videos from the context help as they may cause crashes in some computers.
  • Improved speed when computing spaces.
  • Added “Food4Rhino” link the VisualARQ main menu.
  • vaStylesImport command replace existing styles with the same name as the imported ones.
  • vaStylesImport command shows a warning when some styles couldn’t be imported.
  • Improved display speed of VisualARQ objects, up to 5x in model and 3x in layout.

Fixed bugs

  • Stairs
    • Stair control points couldn’t be selected by windows or crossing.
    • Fixed many stair slab generation issues.
    • Fixed a bug that make some step slabs disappear on balanced stair with a small radius.
    • Fixed some bugs when computing spiral stairs.
    • Fixed a bug when increasing the “Bottom Slab Thickness” in spiral stairs.
    • Fixed a bug that makes appear a hole between step and riser slabs in balanced stairs
  • IFC:
    • Fixed a bug that import doors and windows without the opening in the host wall.
    • Fixed a crash when opening some IFC files.
    • Missing objects when importing an IFC without required “Model” IfcGeometricRepresentationContext.
  • Grasshopper Components:
    • All profile creation components check that measures are valid.
    • Some document parameters were duplicated when baking objects.
    • Fixed a crash in the VisualARQ Set Property component.
  • Grasshopper Styles:
    • Doors and windows may not create the opening when there are more than one host wall.
    • Doors and windows generate an opening bigger than necessary in some cases.
  • Fixed a crash when changing a “Brep” parameter value of a Grasshopper Style.
  • Fixed an issue that make difficult to control the wall to attach to when moving doors and windows from a lateral control point.
  • Fixed a bug that make walls disappear when extending to some polysurfaces.
  • Fixed a bug when extending walls to multiple polysurfaces.
  • Section line marks weren’t correctly scaled when document units where changed.
  • Fixed a crash when opening a 3DM.
  • Flip direction context menu option is only shown in for elements.
  • License mode dialog couldn’t be canceled when license was expired.
  • Meshes were missing from 2D previews.
  • vaWall FromSolid command didn’t attach door and windows to the wall in some cases.
  • Some changed were not applied after clicking the Apply button in the curtain wall style editor.
  • Solid modifiers in beams were moved or stretched when modifying the beam control points.
  • Scale icon showed an incorrect measure in HiDPI displays.
  • Level marks were shown in an incorrect elevation on HiDPI displays.
  • Fixed scale icon blurry appearance.
  • Fixed a bug when copying roofs between document with different units.
  • Network license was not working in Rhino 5 (32-bit).
  • Fixed a bug in vaSlabSubtract command when selection non-horizontal slabs.
  • Some doors and windows were imported rotated 90º.
  • “By Parent” material was not correctly handled in some cases.
  • Fixed a crash in the vaFillet command.
  • Fixed a crash when inserting a document with VisualARQ objects as a block instance inside another document.
  • Rhino hangs when inserting a 3DM as block instance.
  • Some elements and annotations were missing when opening some documents.
  • Fixed a bug when creating a block from a column.
  • Per object display mode was ignored when printing in vector output mode.
  • Wrong realtime section color in Realistic viewports.
  • Sometimes, VisualARQ properties tabs were missing in the properties panel.
  • Fixed a bug that updates all objects when editing parameters in the style editor.
  • Fixed a crash when VisualARQ was loaded after pasting a command in the command line.
  • VisualARQ objects were not duplicated when using the Duplicate layer and objects context menu option in the layer manager.
  • Layer off in detail was ignored when printing in vector output mode.


  • File format hasn’t been changed in this release. Files saved with VisualARQ 2.4 can be opened with VisualARQ 2.3.
  • This release requires Lands Beta VIII, previous versions are not compatible and commands may not work or cause stability issues.


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